
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Another wonderful class that was convicting, inspiring and challenging!
The classes are always so full of amazing principles and truths. I will highlight what spoke to me yesterday and at the end I will give a little recap of my notes that you can glean from!

What is my family about right now? What are our values? What are our priorities? Every year in a wonderful church family group or in books I’ve read I’ve been challenged to write down some family goals and values and my husband and I talk and whereas the conversation is great, we don’t really settle on anything and another year goes by! I was convicted in class that the time is now. Chelsea shared the Cameron family values:
1. Love God
2. Family First
3. Work Hard
4. Tell the Truth
5. Be Kind

I thought, let’s start there! Rather than make excuses, try to reinvent the wheel and waste another year, let’s just adopt those values as well, and as our kids grow a bit we can talk as a family and perhaps tweak some things to be more specific to our family.
Love God – that’s pretty self explanatory! Put God at the head of the family, know God, know His Word, love God.
Family First – Family comes above all else – sports, homework, work, friends… family comes first. My best words, my best attitude, my best energy, my best everything goes to my family first. It’s about focusing on the family relationships first.
Work Hard – at everything! Work hard at family relationships. Work hard at school, chores, job…
Tell The Truth – Truth is key, it’s freedom. It’s important to call things as they really are.
Be Kind – again, self explanatory!

Seems simple right? But to have these written on a wall, to discuss them with my children and let them memorize them, could transform our family. Where there are fights we can go over of values and commitment to each other and ask, “are you telling the truth? Are you being kind?”

A snipit of my notes:
There is nothing more painful than family pain. How true that is. It’s amazing how those closest to us have the most power to bless us and hurt us.
Family pain comes from sin.
1. First we question the clear statements of God
2. Then we distort what God said
3. Lastly we deny the statements of God

Like in the garden in Genesis, “Did God say we cannot eat this fruit or we will die?” Then, “the fruit does look pretty good for eating, what’s wrong?” Lastly, “We will not die if we eat it.” And we all know how that story ends!

God has established authority in every relationship in our lives.
Authority in the family is:
This is the way in which God blesses a family. Our kids will not fall under our authority if we are not under God’s authority and our husband’s authority.
The purpose of authority is for me to see and chose wisdom. It’s not domineering, it’s a protection.
Consistent, loving authority is needed in a home for secure, joyful children

Tying Heart Strings
Fellowship between parent and child is most important. We need to tie strings from our hearts to theirs of mutual love and respect.
- enjoy them
- cause them to enjoy you
- give them time, priority, laugh, touch…
- give them your smile!

You can’t be a better mother than you are a smiler!

WHEW! That’s it for now!

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